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Research News
2017 Annual Summary Meeting of the QTT-973 Program [2018-02-07]
Network broadcast of the total lunar eclipse: An observation activity from Xi... [2018-02-04]
Dependence of pulsar death line on the equation of state [2018-02-01]
Research on The Dipole Magnetic Field and Spin-down Evolution of the High Bra... [2018-01-11]
Detection of OH Absorption Lines in Comet C/2013 US10 by XAO Astronomers  [2017-12-18]
Visits of Professor Willem Baan from Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy [2017-12-11]
Research on Abrupt Changes in Pulsar Pulse Profiles [2017-12-08]
Research Progress in Massive Binary Black Holes Candidate VLBI Observation [2017-11-04]
New Research Progress in Determination of the Sun's offset from the Galactic ... [2017-10-26]
New Research Progress in Time Evolution of the Water Snowline in Protoplaneta... [2017-09-15]
Visit of Prof. Christian Henkel from Max Plank Institute Für RadioAstronomie [2017-08-16]
Visit of Prof.Eric Herbst from Virginia Commonwealth University [2017-08-06]
Grant of the Innovation Patent for “An Evaluation System and Method of Elect... [2017-07-12]
Delegation Visit of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory to Astronomical Researc... [2017-07-12]
Scientists from National Radio Astronomy Observatory visited XAO [2017-06-23]
Visit of Dr. Richard Prestage from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory [2017-06-29]
Visit of Dr. Alex Kraus from Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy [2017-06-30]
The research progress on pulsar positions and reference frames [2017-05-16]
How far are pulsars and fast radio bursts away from us? [2017-03-28]
Professor Gerard Vauclair from Toulouse Observatory visited Xinjiang Astronom... [2017-03-10]
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