On June 28th, Dr. Alex Kraus, station manager of Effelsberg 100-m polarimetric observations of Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy, visited XAO.
In his report“100-m Radio Telescope Effelsberg Status and Perspectives”, he introduced the history of Effelsberg telescope and pointed out that the Effelsberg antenna has been operating for 45 years as a model for antenna structures. The 100-m radio telescope of the Max-Planck-InstitutfürRadioastronomie (MPIfR) is a unique European astronomical facility that combines superb sensitivity and wide frequency coverage (300 MHz - 95 GHz). Its distinct versatile design does not only make the telescope a cutting edge instrument for forefront research but also a testbed for emerging and future technology. Even though it has been delivering forefront research for more than 40 years, the telescope is continuously being modernized and remains heavily involved in various kinds of astronomical research either as a stand-alone instrument or a member of several VLBI networks. Currently, a large upgrade of the receiver suite at the telescope is near completion, and several new, state-of-the-art broad-band receivers have been installed recently of which some will be commissioned soon. At the end of the report, Dr. Alex made invaluable suggestions to the development of QTT antenna.
After the report, all the attendees had joined discussion with Dr. Alex, Dr. Dick Manchester, from CSIRO Astronomy Space Science, and Prof. Willem Baan, from Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, on several issues such as electromagnetic shielding in antenna and control room, data storage, prime focus antenna and other observation issues.
Dr.Alex Kraus