Visit of Dr. Richard Prestage from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Date:Jun 29, 2017【 A A A 】【 Print 】【 Close 】
From June 21th to 22th, Dr. Richard Prestage from the Green Bank Observatory, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO,GBT), visited and presented two talks at XAO.
In his talk on “Suggestions for Pointing Models”, he offered suggestions for measurements and adjustments on the sub-reflector at the NSRT 26-m antenna, which are mainly about selections of the pointing calibration source, pointing data automatic processing, sub reflector adjusting process, receiver selection and pointing model construction. He also discussed issues currently exist with pointing and sub-reflector position calibration with NSRT. In addition, he shared other invaluable experiences for the development of NSRT and QTT based on knowledge learnt from the 100-m aperture antenna (GBT). In the other talk on “GBT surface and measurement”, he introduced the surface measurement technologies of GBT, and, through gathering all the technical experiences on the GBT main reflector, Dr. Richard offered important suggestions and references for the QTT main reflector quick measurement.
After these talks, staffs from XAO had discussion with Dr. Prestage, Prof. Willem Baan, from Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, and Steven white, senior engineer from GBT,NRAO, on the modeling of temperature acquisition system, ways to upgrade the surface accuracy through error distribution of antenna structure, three dimensional laser tracer data processing and other scientific issues.
Dr. Richard Prestage
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