Professor Christian Henkel from Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany, Visited Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory
During June 23rd to July 22nd, 2015, Professor Christian Henkel, the Distinguished Research Fellow in Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO), from Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy visited XAO.
During his visit, Professor Henkel had deep discussion with research fellows of the Star Formation and Evolution Team (SFET), XAO. Dr. Tang Xindi of SFET has collaboration with professor Christian Henkel on research about the difference and the application condition of the molecular cloud temperature tracer NH3, H2CO. e they proposed and got the observation time of the APEX and JCMT Telescope, which helps to promote the research work. Professor Henkel gave kind supervision to the graduate students in SFET.
Besides, professor gave two lectures with the topic “Kinetic Temperatures of Molecular Gas: The Galactic Center Region” and “Dwarf Galaxies - Near and Far: Is there a secular evolution?”. In the lectures, professor introduced in detail about the application of APEX Telescope in the detection of the kinetic temperature in Galactic Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) and the observation of the dwarf galaxy.
Professor Henkel is talking with research fellows of Star Formation and Evolution Team (SFET)
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