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YAN Qing, Deputy Secretary-General of CAS, Inspected Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory
2021-04-23| 【A A A【Print】【Close】

On 20 April 2021, YAN Qing, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), inspected Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO) and had a meeting with the director and heads of administrative departments and research divisions at XAO.

Dr. Wang Na, Director of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO), introduced the development, scientific platform construction, talents cultivation, the scientific and research results of XAO, and also the targets of the “14th Five-Year plan” and progress of the QTT project. Dr. YAN fully affirmed the achievements made by XAO, and stated that XAO should make full use of the advantages of the astronomical observation environment and Xinjiang's unique position on the Silk Road.

During this visit, Dr. YAN also visited the EMC Technology Laboratory and Microwave Receiver Technology Laboratory. Chen Maozheng, deputy director of XAO, introduced the operation status of each lab, and the research progress on ultra-wideband and multibeam receivers, cryogenic MMIC low-noise amplifiers for V-band, digital backend, EMC protection and evaluation of key technologies.

The visit was carried out with the companions of Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Branch, CHEN Xi, President of Xinjiang Branch, XIAO Wenjiao.

YAN Qing, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)


Dr. YAN Visiting the EMC Technology Laboratory

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