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Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People’s Congress, Wang, Yongming visited the Qitai Station
2017-09-02| 【A A A【Print】【Close】

On 18 August 2017, Wang, Yongming, Deputy Secretary and Vice Director of the Standing Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People’s Congress, and other leaders from relevant departments visited the Qitai site of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO) and inspected the construction progress of the 110-m aperture fully steerable radio telescope (QiTai radio Telescope, QTT).

Wang, Na, Director of XAO, introduced the academic achievements, talent team constructions and academic exchanges of XAOwith emphases on the advantages of the Qitai site, construction of supporting infrastructures and the debugging of tests for Qatar optical telescope. Meanwhile, Director Wang, Na, on behalf of XAO, expressed her sincere gratitude for the enormous supports from the Autonomous Region, Changji Prefectures and the Qitai County.

Deputy Director Wang, Yongming fully affirmed and appreciated the works accomplished by XAOand showed great care for the road constructions, radio signal protection, residence relocation and the construction of the astronomical observation and experimentation base. He gave guidance on the work for radio quiet zone protection, tax reduction for farmland uses and the supporting funds for 35kV substation, and also for the follow-up constructions.

The leaders who participated in this inspection work include: Yin, Xinjiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, Suo, Yue, Chairman of the Standing Committee of Changji Prefecture People's Congress, Shi, Yanlin, Secretary and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Changji Prefecture People's Congress, Fan, Jijun, Director of the Standing Committee of Qitai County People’s Congress, Peng, Jin, Deputy Chief of the Qitai County, etc.





Deputy director Wang, Yongming inspecting the construction of Qitai station

Seminar at the Qitai station

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