Call for 2021 Chinese Government Scholarship for International Students to Study at UCAS
1. Introduction
In order to promote the mutual understanding and friendship, cooperation and exchanges in various fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study or conduct research in Chinese universities.
Entrusted by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as ‘UCAS’) will recruit outstanding young graduate students from all over the world and provide them full scholarships.
2. Value and Benefits
1) Tuition fee
Successful PhD students who are awarded a scholarship are exempted from the tuition fee of RMB 40,000/year.
Successful Master students who are awarded a scholarship are exempted from the tuition fee of RMB 30,000/year.
2) Application fee
Successful applicants who are awarded a scholarship are exempted from the application fee of RMB 600.
3) Monthly stipend
Successful PhD applicants will receive a monthly stipend of RMB 5,000, of which RMB 1,500 will be provided by the supervisor or the CAS Institute the applicant is enrolled in.
Successful Master applicants will receive a monthly stipend of RMB 3,500, of which RMB 500 will be provided by the supervisor or the CAS Institute the applicant is enrolled in.
4) Accommodation Fee
Successful applicants could live in UCAS Beijing campus for free or apply for an accommodation subsidy for those who live off Campus. The subsidy will be provided no more than RMB 700/month for master’s students/general visiting students, and no more than RMB 1000/month for doctoral students/senior visiting students.
5) Medical Insurance
UCAS will buy insurance for the successful applicants with the insurance premium RMB 800/person. Please see the website ( for the introduction of insurance coverage.
3. Sponsorship Period
Master students: 36 months (with no extension)
PhD students: 36 months (with permitted extension of no more than 12 months)
4. Eligibility Criteria
1) To be eligible to receive the scholarship, the applicant must be a non-Chinese;
2) Requirements on education background and age as follows:
Applicants for master’s programs must have held a degree or diploma equivalent to a Chinese bachelor’s degree and the applicant should be no more than 35 years old.
Applicants for PhD programs must have held a degree or diploma equivalent to a Chinese master’s degree and the applicant should be no more than 40 years old.
3) Applicants should meet the general admission criteria for international students (please refer to the 2021 Enrollment Guide for international students).
4) Applicants must not have accepted any other sponsorship at the time of application and cannot accept any other sponsorship during the period of this scholarship.
5) Applicants should study full time in the research institute he/she is enrolled in and are not allowed to take any other job during his/her studies.
5. Application Process and Deadline
You should verify that you meet ALL the eligibility criteria specified in the “General conditions for applicants” section of this call, find an eligible professor of your interest that agrees to accept you. See here for a list of eligible schools/institutes and supervisors of UCAS. Send an explanatory e-mail together with your CV, research proposal and other required documents to him/her, and indicate that you wish to apply for the PhD program of Chinese Government Scholarship to UCAS. Your supervisor should finish the required procedure illustrated in the email automatically sent to him/her by the UCAS system immediately after your application materials pass the preliminary review by the institute/college with which the supervisor is affiliated.
Please Log in the Online CSC Application System, fill in and submit your scholarship application, then the system will automatically generate a CSC Application Form. The agency number of UCAS is 80001.
Please log in the Online Admission System for International Students at UCAS ( and follow its instructions to finish all the required application procedures. For the required materials, please refer to the calls for PhD programs and master programs (click the link).
March 31st, 2021 (Beijing Time)
6. Additional Information
1) Apart from the Chinese University Program, UCAS also accept students who are awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program, -EU Program and other programs. Please check the application process on, if you want to apply for these programs.
2) Successful applicants should register at the time and place indicated in the Admission Notice. If you cannot come for registration on time for personal reasons and hope for a delay, please ask for approval from UCAS.
3) The time for registration set out in the Admission Notice will be the starting day of this scholarship.
4) Successful applicants must abide by relevant rules and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, UCAS and the research institute that you are enrolled in. You must take the qualifying tests, attend annual reviews and take other examinations on time. Otherwise, you will be suspended or deprived of your scholarship.
5) During their sponsorship period, successful applicants should publish their research achievements with UCAS and the institutes they are enrolled in as their academic institutions and should state that their research is funded by the Chinese Government Scholarship.
7. Contact Information
Coordinator: Ms. Xu Zijuan
Department: UCAS International Students Office
Address: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.80 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100190, China
Tel: +86 10 82674900
Fax: +86 10 82672900
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