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8. Zhenghai Yang, Galiya R. Galimova, Chao He, Shane J. Goettl, Dababrata Paul, Wenchao Lu, Musahid Ahmed*, Alexander M. Mebel*, Xiaohu Li*, Ralf I. Kaiser*, Gas-phase formation of the resonantly stabilized 1-indenyl (C9H7• ) radical in the interstellar medium, Science Advances, 9, eadi5060 (2023).
9. Juan Tuo, Xiaohu Li*, Jixian Sun, Tom J. Millar, Yong Zhang, Jianjie Qiu, Donghui Quan, Jarken Esimbek, Jianjun Zhou, Yu Gao, Qiang Chang, Lin Xiao, Yanan Feng, Zhenzhen Miao, Rong Ma, Ryszard Szczerba, Xuan Fang, A λ 3 mm line survey towards the circumstellar envelope of the carbon-rich AGB star IRC +10216 (CW Leo), Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 271, 45 (2024).
10. Zhenghai Yang, Chao He, Shane J. Goettl, Alexander M. Mebel,* Paulo F. G. Velloso, Márcio O. Alves, Breno R. L. Galvão,* Jean-Christophe Loison,* Kevin M. Hickson, Michel Dobrijevic, Xiaohu Li,* Ralf I. Kaiser1*, Low-temperature formation of pyridine and (iso)quinoline via neutral–neutral reactions, Nature Astronomy, 8, 856–864 (2024).