1. Liu Jinzhong, “Gravitational wave radiation from close double white dwarfs in the Galaxy”, MRNAS, 2009, Volume 400, Issue 4, pp. 1850-1858.
2. Liu Jinzhong, Han Zhanwen, Zhang Fenghui, Zhang Yu, “A Comprehensive Study of Close Double White Dwarfs as Gravitational Wave Sources: Evolutionary Channels, Birth Rates, and Physical Properties”, ApJ, 2010, Volume 719, Issue 2, pp. 1546-1552.
3. Liu Jinzhong, Zhang Yu, Han Zhanwen, Zhang Fenghui, “Contribution of close double white dwarfs to the Galactic gravitational wave foreground”, Ap&SS, 2010, Volume 329, Issue 1-2, pp. 297-303.
4. Liu Jinzhong, Zhang Yu, Zhang Hailong, Sun, Yutao, Wang Na, “Determining gravitational wave radiation from close galaxy pairs using a binary population synthesis approach”, A& A, 2012, Volume 540, id.A67, 6 pp
5. Liu Jinzhong, Zhang Yu, “Gravitational-wave radiation from double compact objects with eLISA in the Galaxy”, PASP, 2014, Volume 126, Issue 937, pp. 211.
6. Liu Jinzhong, Zhang Yu, Song Fangfang, Yang Taozhi, “The First Photometric Investigation of the Neglected Contact Binary LP Comae”, PASP, 2017, Volume 129, Issue 980, pp. 104204.
7. Lu Li-Na, Liu Jinzhong Liu, Jiang DengKai, and Wang Yahui, “A method for estimating masses of W Ursae Majoris-type binaries”, RAA, 2020, Vol. 20, No.12, 196(11pp).
8. Wang Yahui, Liu Jinzhong, Lu Lina, and Lü Guoliang, “From multicolor-photometric observations to a guaranteed mass of AL Cas”, RAA, 2019, Vol. 19 No.8, 108(12pp).
9. Ma Shuo, Liu Jin-Zhong, Zhang Yu, Hu Qingshun, and Lü Guo-Liang, “A Photometric Study of Two Contact Binaries: CRTS J025408.1+265957 and CRTS J012111.1+272933”, RAA, 2022, 22:095017 (16pp).
10. Ma Shuo, Liu Jinzhong, Zhang Yu, Lü Guoliang, Wu Ting, and He Chenyang, “First Detailed Analysis of a Relatively Deep, Low Mass-ratio Contact Binary: ATO J108.6991+27.8306”, RAA, 2023, 23:035012 (7pp),