1. Hao Shan, "CS-GAC: Compressively Sensed Geodesic Active Contours", Pattern Recognition, 2024, 146(110007).
2 Hao Shan, "Robust RFI excision for pulsar signals by a novel nonlinear M-type estimator with an application to pulsar timing",The Astrophysical Journal, 2023, 952:70.
3. Hao Shan, Jianping Yuan, Na Wang, Zhen Wang, "Compressed Sensing Based RFI Mitigation and Restoration for Pulsar Signals", The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, 935:117.
4. Hao Shan, Ming Jiang, Jianping Yuan, Xiaofeng Yang, Wenming Yan, Zhen Wang, Na Wang. "Sparsity and M-Estimators in RFI Mitigation for Typical Radio Astrophysical Signals", 2023, Universe,9(488).
5. H. Shan, Lang Cui, Xiaoyu Hong, Xiang Liu, Ning Chang, "Wavelet based tone mapping (TM) enhancement to a detection system for faint and compact sources in HDR and large FOV radio scenes", Astronomy and Computing, 2023, 42(100684).
6. Hao Shan, Xin Wang, Xiaodong,Chen, Jianping Yuan, Jun Nie, Hailong Zhang, Ning Liu, Na Wang,"Wavelet based recognition for pulsar signals",2015,11(55).
7. Hao Shan, Changtao He, Na Wang, "MCA aided geodesic active contours for image segmentation with textures", Pattern Recognition Letters,2014,45(235).
8. Hao Shan, Jianwei Ma, "Curvelet-based geodesic snake for image segmentation with multiple objects", Pattern Recognition Letters,2010,31(355).
9. Hao Shan, Jianwei Ma, Huizhu Yang, "Comparisons of wavelets, contourlets and curvelets in seismic denoising", Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2009, 69(103).