Astrochemical Modeling and Observations
1. ZHANG Xia; QUAN Donghui; LI Xiaohu; ESIMBEK Jarken; LI Fangfang et al., Chemical models of interstellar glycine and adenine precursor aminoacetonitrile (NH2CH2CN), 2024, MNRAS, 533, 3623
2. ZHANG Xia; QUAN Donghui; LI Runxia; ESIMBEK Jarken; CHEN Long-Fei et al., Chemical models of adenine precursors cyanamide and carbodiimide in the interstellar medium, 2023, MNRAS, 521, 1578
3. ZHANG Xia; QUAN Donghui; CHANG Qiang; HERBST Eric; ESIMBEK Jarken et al., Chemical models of interstellar cyanomethanimine isomers, 2020, MNRAS, 497, 609
4. ZHANG Xia; QUAN Donghui; ESIMBEK Jarken, Gas-Grain Modeling of Interstellar O2, 2020, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 33, 107
5. CHANG Qiang; ZHENG Xu-Li; ZHANG Xia; QUAN Dong-Hui; LU Yang et al., On the encounter desorption of hydrogen atoms on an ice mantle, 2021, RAA, 21, 39
6. SONG Ziwen; CHANG Qiang; MENG Qingkuan; ZHANG Xia, Modeling long carbon-chain species formation with porous multiphase models, 2024, A&A, 691, A40
7. LI Juan; QUAN Donghui; WANG Junzhi; ZHANG Xia; LU Xing et al., Tentative detection of cyanoformamide NCCONH2 in space, 2024, PASJ, 76, 54
8. LI Fangfang; QUAN Donghui; ZHANG Xia; LI Xiaohu; ESIMBEK Jarken, Quantum mechanical modeling of interstellar molecules on cosmic dusts: H2O, NH3, and CO2, 2022, Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 1040703
9. ZHAO Gang; CHANG Qiang; ZHANG Xia; QUAN Donghui; ZHANG Yong et al., Effect of surface H2 on molecular hydrogen formation on interstellar grains, 2022, MNRAS, 512, 3137
10. CHEN Long-Fei; LI Di; QUAN Donghui; ZHANG Xia; CHANG Qiang et al., Chemical Variations Across the TMC-1 Boundary: Molecular Tracers from the Translucent Phase to the Dense Phase, 2022, ApJ, 928, 175
11. ZHAO Guoming; QUAN Donghui; ZHANG Xia; FENG Gang; ZHOU Jianjun et al., Glycolonitrile (HOCH2CN) Chemistry in Star-forming Regions, 2021, ApJS, 257, 26.
12. CHANG Yao; YU Yong; AN Feng; LUO Zijie; QUAN Donghui; ZHANG Xia et al. Three body photodissociation of the water molecule and its implications for prebiotic oxygen production, 2021, Nature Communications, 12, 2476
13. ZHOU Yan; QUAN Dong-Hui; ZHANG Xia; QIN Sheng-Li, Detection of hydroxyacetone in protostar IRAS 16293-2422 B, 2020, RAA, 20, 125
14. ZUO Pei; LI Di; PEEK J. E. G.; CHANG Qiang; ZHANG Xia et al., NICHOLAS Chapman, PAUL F Goldsmith, ZHI YU Zhang, Catching the Birth of a Dark Molecular Cloud for the First Time, 2018, ApJ, 867, 13