1. NIU Hubiao, FU Jianning, WANG Jianxin, LI Chunqian. Spot and Facula Activity Variations of the Eccentric Detached Eclipsing Binary KIC 8098300 Based on the Time-series Orbital Solutions, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022, 22(01): 015016
2. NIU Hubiao, WANG Jianxin, FU Jianning. Binary Fraction Estimation of Main-sequence Stars in 12 Open Clusters: Based on the Homogeneous Data of LAMOST Survey and Gaia DR2, Astrophysical Journal, 2020, 903(2): 93
3. Song Fangfang, Niu Hubiao, Esamdin Ali, Zhang Yu, Zeng Xiangyun. Variable Star Detection in the Field of Open Cluster NGC 188, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023, 23(9): 095015
4. MA Shuguo, Ali Esamdin, Antonio García Hernández, Simon J. Murphy, LV Chenglong, WEI Peng, Michel Rieutord, Javier Pascual-Granado, DANG Fei , NIU Hubiao, YANG TaoZhi, FENG Guojie, Rivkat Karimov, Yusuf Tillayev. KIC 3440495: A Rapidly Rotating δ Scuti-γ Doradus Hybrid Pulsator in a Binary System, The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, 937(2): 80
5. WANG Jiaxin, FU Jianning, NIU Hubiao, PAN Yang, LI Chunqian, ZONG Weikai, Hou Yonghui. KIC 5359678: a detached eclipsing binary with starspots, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2021, 504(3): 4302-4311