Xiang Liu

Doctoral Supervisor
Leader of Galaxy and Cosmology Group, Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Education & Working experience
1999-2002 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS Ph.D.
1989-1992 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS M.S.
1981-1986 Xinjiang University B.S.
E-mail: liux@xao.ac.cn
Postal Address: 150 Science 1-Street, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
Research Interests:
VLBI astrophysics, active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets
Intraday variability (IDV), multiband correlations of AGNs
Fast Radio Bursts, and Cosmology
Selected Publications:
- The Jet-Disk Coupling of Seyfert Galaxies from a Complete Hard X-ray Sample. Liu Xiang, Chang Ning, Han Zhenhua, Wang Xin, Universe, 6, 68 (2020)
- A model of neutron-star--white-dwarf collision for fast radio bursts, Liu Xiang, Ap&SS, 363, 242 (2018)
- Radio and optical intra-day variability observations of five blazars, Liu X., Yang P.P., Liu J., Liu B.R., et al. , MNRAS, 469, 2457-2463 (2017)
- VLBA 24 and 43 GHz observations of massive binary black hole candidate PKS 1155+251, Yang X.L., Liu X., Yang J., et al., MNRAS, 471, 1873-1878 (2017)
- NGC 5252: a pair of radio-emitting active galactic nuclei?, Yang X.L., Yang J., Paragi S., Liu X., et al., MNRAS, 464, L70-L74 (2017)
- Correlation analysis of radio properties and accretion-disk luminosity for low luminosity AGNs, Su R.Z., Liu X., Zhang Z., ApSS, 362, 3 (2017)
- Variability and Period Analysis for BL Lac AO 0235+164, Fan J.H., Kurtanidze O., Liu Y., Liu X., et al., ApJ, 837, 45 (2017)
- The physical fundamental plane of black hole activity: revisited, Liu X., Han Z.H., Zhang Z., Ap&SS, 361, 9 (2016)
- Properties of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies Revisited, Liu X., Yang P.P., Su R.Z., Zhang Z., IJAA, 6, 166 (2016)
- The adaptive-loop-gain adaptive-scale CLEAN deconvolution of radio interferometric images, Zhang L., Zhang M., Liu X., Ap&SS, 361, 153 (2016)
- Intra-day variability observations and the VLBI structure analysis of quasar S4 0917+624, Liu X., Mi L.G., Liu J., et al., A&A, 578, A34 (2015)
- Rapid variability of BL Lac 0925+504: interstellar scintillation induced, Liu J., Liu X., Ap&SS, 357, 165 (2015)
- Is radio jet power linearly proportional to the product of central black hole mass and Eddington ratio in AGN?, Liu X., Han Z.H., Ap&SS, 354, 553 (2014)
- Two-year monitoring of intra-day variability of quasar 1156+295 at 4.8 GHz, Liu B.R., Liu X., Marchili N., Liu J., et al., A&A, 555, A134 (2013)
- Radio observations of the first three-month Fermi-AGN at 4.8 GHz, Liu X., Song H.-G., Liu J., et al., RAA, 12, 147 (2012)
- Correlations between the peak flux density and the position angle of inner jet in three blazars, Liu X., Mi L.G., Liu B.R., Li Q.W., Ap&SS, 342, 465(2012)
- Intra-day variability observations of S5 0716+714 over 4.5 years at 4.8 GHz, Liu X., Song H.G., Marchili N., et al., A&A, 542, A121(2012)
- On the influence of the Sun on the rapid variability of compact extragalactic sources, Marchili N., Krichbaum T.P., Liu X., Song H.G., et al., A&A, 530, A129(2011)
- Radio lightcurve of SN2008iz in M82 revealed by Urumqi observations, Marchili N., Marti-Vidal I., Brunthaler A., Krichbaum T.P., Muller P., Liu X., Song H.G., et al., A&A, 509, A34 (2010)
- The follow-up European VLBI Network observations of twelve GPS radio sources at 5 GHz, Cui L., Liu X., Liu J., Song H.-G., Ding Z., A&A, 518, A23 (2010)
- VLBI observations of nineteen GHz-peaked spectrum radio sources at 1.6 GHz, Liu X., Cui L., Luo W.-F., Shi W.-Z., Song H.-G., A&A, 2007, 470, 97
- Seven-frequency VLBI Observations of the GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Source OQ208, Luo W.F., Yang J., Cui L., Liu X., Shen Z.Q., ChJAA, 7, 611 (2007)