Hailong Zhang

Doctoral Supervisor
Chief of Information Technology Center,Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS
2007.09-2010.12 Jilin University(College of Computer Science and Technology) Ph.D.
2005.09-2007.07 Jilin University(Software Institute) M.S.
2000.09-2004.07 Jilin University(College of Computer Science and Technology) B.S.
E-mail: zhanghailong@xao.ac.cn
Postal Address: 150 Science 1-Street, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
Research Interests:
Astronomical Techniques and Methods
Data Intensive Research
Virtual Observatory Technology
Selected Publications:
- Wang, B.;Zhang, H*.;Nie, J.;Wang, J.;Ye, X.;Ergesh, T.;Zhang, M.;Li, J.; Wang, W. Multipopulation Genetic Algorithm Based on GPU for Solving TSP Proble,Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2020,https://doi.or g/10.1155/2020/1398595
- Hailong Zhang, Markus Demleitner, Jie Wang, Na Wang, Jun Nie, and Jianping Yuan. The XinJiang Astronomical Observatory NSRT Pulsar Data Archive, Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/5712682.
- Zhang H L , Zhang M , Wang J , et al. Jacobi parallel iteration algorithms based on MPI and Taurus high performance computing system[J]. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2019, 49(2):606-613.
- Tohtonur, Hai-Long Z , Jie W , et al. High speed median filtering algorithm based on graphics processing unit[J]. Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition), 2019,49(03):979-985.
- Xinchen Ye, Hailong Zhang*, Yan Zhu, Jie Wang, Tohtonur Ergesh, Huijuan Li. Design and implementation of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory Astronomical Data Transmission Visualization System. Advances in Astronomy, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/8741027.
- Hailong Zhang,Jie Wang,Ke Tang,Xinchen Ye,Wanqiong Wang,Tohtonur,Yan Zhu,Meng Zhang. Taurus Online Job Submission System,IEEE SDPC 2018,705-708.
- Tohtonur,Hailong Zhang*,Jie Wang,Xinchen Ye,Wanqiong Wang,Yan Zhu,Meng Zhang.High Performance Matched Filtering Algorithm Based on CUDA,IEEE SDPC 2018,743-746.
- Hailong Zhang,Na Wang,Jianping Yuan,Jun Nie,Using the Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory Pulsar Data Archive, JART,2016,4(13):473-480.
- Zhang H,Nie J.,Program performance test based on different computing environment[C]Online Analysis and Computing Science.IEEE,2016:174-177.
- Zhang H,Nie J.,Performance test of Taurus HPC system[C]Online Analysis and Computing Science. IEEE, 2016:185-188.