Wenming Yan

Doctoral Supervisor
Deputy head of the Pulsar Group XAO
2005-2011 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D.
2001-2005 Xinjiang University B.S.
E-mail: yanwm@xao.ac.cn
Postal Address: 150 Science 1-Street, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
Research Interests:
pulsar emission properties (polarization, pulse nulling, mode changing, subpulse drifting, etc.) and pulsar searching
Selected Publications:
- Simultaneous 50 cm/10 cm Single-pulse Polarization Observations of PSR J0953+0755, Rukiye Rejep; Wen-Ming Yan; Na Wang, RAA, 22, 065005, 2022
- Nulling and subpulse drifting in PSR J1727-2739, Rukiye Rejep; N. Wang; W. M. Yan; Z. G. Wen, MNRAS, 509(2), 2507-2516, 2022
- A single pulse study of PSR J1752+2359, Sheng-Nan Sun; Wen-Ming Yan; Na Wang; Rai Yuen, RAA, 21(9), 240, 2021
- Periodic and Phase-locked Modulation in PSR B1929+10 Observed with FAST, F. F. Kou; W. M. Yan; B. Peng; J. G. Lu et al., ApJ, 909(2), 170, 2021
- Detection of giant pulses in PSR J1047-6709, S. N. Sun; W. M. Yan; N. Wang, MNRAS, 501(3), 3900-3904, 2021
- The Mode Switching in Pulsar J1326-6700, Z. G. Wen; W. M. Yan; J. P. Yuan et al., ApJ, 904(1), 72-79, 2020
- Intriguing Drifting Subpulses in the Vela Pulsar, Z. G. Wen; J. L. Chen; L. F. Hao; W. M. Yan; H. G. Wang et al., ApJ, 900(2), 168-171, 2020
- Periodic mode changing in PSR J1048-5832, Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N.; Wen, Z. G.; Yuan, J. P.; Lee, K. J.; Chen, J. L., MNRAS, 491(4), 4634-4641, 2020
- Periodic Q-mode modulation in PSR J1825-0935 (PSR B1822-09), Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Wen, Z. G.; Lee, K. J., MNRAS, 485(3), 3241-3247, 2019
- The spin-down state change and mode change associated with glitch activity of PSR B2035+36, Kou, F. F.; Yuan, J. P.; Wang, N.; Yan, W. M.; Dang, S. J., MNRAS, 478(1), L24-L28, 2018
- Single-pulse observations of the Galactic centre magnetar PSR J1745-2900 at 3.1 GHz, Yan, W. M.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Wen, Z. G.; Yuan, J. P., MNRAS, 476(3), 3677-3687, 2018
- 中国大型射电望远镜在引力波探测方面的潜在突破, 李柯伽, 袁建平, 王晶波, 闫文明, 袁少男, 王娜, 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 45(5), 059507, 2017
- Investigation of nulling and subpulse drifting properties of PSR J1727-2739, Wen, Z. G.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Yan, W. M. et al., A&A, 592, A127, 2016
- The mode switching of PSR B2020+28, Wen, Z. G.; Wang, N.; Yan, W. M. et al., Ap&SS, 361(8), 261, 2016
- Pulsar wind model for the spin-down behavior of intermittent pulsars, Li, L.; Tong, H.; Yan, W. M. et al., ApJ, 788(1), 16, 2014
- Rotation measure variations for 20 millisecond pulsars, Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Hobbs, G. et al., Ap&SS, 335, 485, 2011
- Polarization observations of 20 millisecond pulsars, Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; van Straten, W. et al., MNRAS, 414, 2087, 2011