Xiaofeng Yang

Professor in Astrophysics
Master Supervisor
International Astronomical Union Individual Member,
2018 (IAU member)
Xiaofeng YANG | IAU
2006-2012 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D.
2002-2006 Northeast Forestry University B.S.
E-mail: xfyang@xao.ac.cn
Postal Address: 150 Science 1-Street, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
Research Interests:
Astrophysics and cosmology: Gravitational lensing, Hubble constant tension, test of cosmological/Copernican principle, LTB cosmology, 21cm cosmology (work for SKA), constraint on dark energy, dark matter distribution at small scale and it’s particle mass constraint, radio galaxies and radio astronomy.
Selected Publications:
- Observational constraint on Dark Energy from Quantum Uncertainty, Long Huang, Xiaofeng Yang*, Xiang Liu, Chinese Physics C, 45, 125102, 2021
- The Reconstruction of Dark Energy with the Ridge Regression Approach, Long Huang, Xiaofeng Yang*, Xiang Liu, ApJ, 913, 24, 2021
- Investigation of magneto-thermal evolution of AXP 1E 2259+586, Hui Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Dongog Song, Huanyu Jia, AN, 342, 259, 2021
- Intra-Day Variability Observations of Two Dozens of Blazars at 4.8 GHz, Xiang Liu, Xin Wang, Ning Chang, Jun Liu, Lang Cui, Xiaofeng Yang and Thomas P. Krichbaum, Universe, 7, 15, 2021
- Radio Activity of Supermassive Black Holes with Extremely High Accretion Rates, Xiaolong Yang, Su Yao, Jun Yang, Luis C. Ho, Tao An, Ran Wang, Willem A. Baan, Minfeng Gu, Xiang Liu, Xiaofeng Yang, and Ravi Joshi, ApJ, 904, 200, 2020
- Extended Catalog of Winged or X-shaped Radio Sources from the FIRST Survey, Xiaolong Yang, Ravi Joshi, Gopal-Krishna, Tao An, Luis C. Ho, Paul J. Wiita, Xiang Liu, Jun Yang, Ran Wang, Xue-Bing Wu, and Xiaofeng Yang, ApJS, 245, 17, 2019
- Searching for a preferred direction with Union2.1 data, Xiaofeng Yang*, Fayin Wang* and Zhe Chu, MNRAS, 437, 1840, 2014
- Analytical Solutions of Singular Isothermal Quadrupole Lens, Zhe Chu, Weipeng Lin and Xiaofeng Yang, ApJL,770, L34, 2013
- Gravitational Lensing and the New Method in Weak Gravitational Lensing, Xiaofeng Yang*,Progress in Astronomy, 2011
- The optimal weighting function for cosmic magnification measurements through foreground galaxy-background galaxy (quasar) cross correlation, Xiaofeng Yang* and Pengjie Zhang, MNRAS Letters, 415, L45, 2011